Practice apex, trigger & lwc programming

Practice writing apex code by solving real-world examples to enhance your programming skills on apex, trigger & lwc on the Salesforce platform.

Choose from one of the following topics to learn the basics. We recommend completing the Trailhead module for Platform Developer to start with.

Visit platform developer trailhead module

Apex collection control flow statements image

Collections & Control flow

Discover how to utilize various conditional statements and collection types in Apex..

Apex SOQL and DML statements image


Explore SOQL queries, database manipulation statements (DML), and how to retrieve and update records in Apex.

Apex triggers image

Apex Triggers

Master apex triggers by leveraging trigger events and context variables to address real business scenarios.

Practice apex governor limits image

Governor limits

Resolve apex code that hits the governor limits and discover techniques to prevent such occurrences in your projects.

Practice apex REST API image


Get hands-on experience with apex REST APIs to connect with external systems to send /receive data and updates records in Salesforce

Coming soon!
Lightning Web Components(lwc) practice examples

Lightning Web Components(lwc)

Develop and get hands on experience in creating Lightning Web Components to create modern user interface for salesforce apps.


Practice with standard objects

Did you know that there are over 300 standard objects in salesforce?

Standard objects in Salesforce are pre-built, fundamental entities like Account, Contact, and Opportunity. They provide essential functionalities for managing data and supporting core Salesforce features.

Solve our programming examples to familiarize yourself with standard objects and enhance Salesforce org capabilities through Apex code.

Salesforce standard objects

Image copyright techila

Programming with apex data types

The primitive data types are like building blocks for simple values. The primitive data type includes integer, Double, Long, Date, Datetime, String, ID, Boolean.

The non-primitive types, like lists and objects, store more complex information, e.g list, sets, map.

Start with basic data types (numbers, text) for simple tasks. Progress to more advanced types (lists) for handling complex data in code, ultimately solving real-world business problems with ease.

practice with apex data types

Conditional statements and loops

Conditional statements enable developers to execute business logic based on specific conditions. They guide the program's flow, helping it make decisions. Learn to use if, else, and switch statements to make your code responsive and steer it in the right direction for different scenarios.

Loops, such as for and while, iterate over collections or conditions. Imagine loops in Apex like playing your favorite song on repeat. With for and while loops, your code can keep doing tasks over and over.

Here are some sample scenarios:

apex code conditional statements example

Write SOQL queries and DML statements

SOQL queries retrieve specific data in Salesforce, while DML statements manipulate records. Together, they are essential for effective data management and customization in Salesforce development.

Writing efficient SOQL queries and DML statements in Apex is essential for staying within governor limits. Optimize queries with selective field retrieval and filtering, and leverage bulk processing for DML operations. This ensures your code performs seamlessly, preventing issues and maximizing resource efficiency at runtime.

SOQL and DML coing examples in apex

Practice apex triggers

Triggers enable developers to incorporate dynamic business rules when records are inserted, updated, or deleted from the database. Salesforce offers a comprehensive set of database events, allowing customization and record updates based on specific business requirements.

Though apex provides greater flexibility in custom business rules on data manipulation, the knowledge in writing a proper trigger code is necessary for all enterprises. Practice trigger scenarios with us to get your hands experienced with writing triggers.

Here are some sample trigger scenarios:

apex trigger order of execution practice example

Practice Lightning Web Components(lwc)

Lightning Web Components (LWC) is a modern framework for building UI elements on the Salesforce platform. With LWC, developers can create reusable UI elements using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These components are lightweight, fast, and highly customizable, enabling developers to build rich, interactive user interfaces for their Salesforce applications.

With Decodeforce, you can practice creating lighning web components from our web interface without needing to set up and install visual studio code on your machine. The components will be deployed to your developer org and we will run test cases on your components to validate if you have satisfied all requirements.

Here are some examples:

Exception handling

Exception handling in Salesforce Apex involves using try-catch blocks to manage errors gracefully, preventing disruptions.

Handling exceptions in Apex is vital for gracefully managing unexpected errors, preventing code crashes, and ensuring robust, fault-tolerant Salesforce applications that provide a seamless user experience.

Learning to debug apex code is essential for identifying and fixing errors, ensuring smooth code execution, and enhancing your troubleshooting skills in Salesforce development.

Apex exception handling

Manage governor limits

Due to the multitenant nature of the salesforce environment, strict limits are enforced by the apex runtime engine to prevent monopolizing shared resources.

When a certain code exceeds the limit, the corresponding governor triggers a runtime exception. These exceptions cannot be caught or handled.

Solving our practice problems provides hands-on experience, facilitating a deeper understanding of optimizing code within the constraints of the runtime environment.

Here are some sample governor limit exception scenarios:

Governor limits coding examples in salesforce


How do I get started with Decodeforce?

Simply sign up and connect your salesforce developer edition org. Then, you're all set to solve real business scenarios.

Is Decodeforce free?

Yes, it is absolutely free. No credit card is required to sign up.

How do I sign up for a salesforce developer org?

Sign up for a Salesforce Developer Edition org using the following link.

Sign up for a free developer edition org

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Simply sign up and connect your salesforce developer edition org.

Then, you're all set to practice real business scenarios in apex.

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